// ==UserScript== // @name TW(NL) PA Overzichten Sorteren // @namespace c1b1.de // @description Sortieren der Übersichten in Die Stämme für Premiumaccountspieler // @include http://*.tribalwars.nl/*screen=overview_villages* // ==/UserScript== // Translated by BeNnOo. // Version für non-Premiumaccount Spieler: // http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38667 /* DS PA Dorferübersicht sortieren (c) by C1B1SE info@c1b1.de http://c1b1.de Do not republish, use in other scripts, change or reproduce this code nor a part of this code without permission from C1B1SE. You may change string values if it's necessary for your language area. This script may be forbidden in some language areas. Please look in the respective forum for further information! I won't take responsibility. */ var dom = new html(); var bottom_up = '' + 'BlBMVEX///8AAABVwtN+AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAACdJREFU' + 'eF4FwDERACAMA8D3kQUfmMFHF3xgpj5qhhM2xfCWHGm54gM4' + 'JQR093/S3gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='; var alphabet = '! %?.,-;:&/\{}[]()=+~*_<>|#0123456789aäbcdefghijklmnoöpqrstuüvwxyz'; var sortStatus = new Array(); var table = dom.class('main')[0].getElementsByTagName('table')[2]; var elist = table.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var url = document.location.href; // Forschung if(url.indexOf('mode=tech') != -1) { // Column 0 sortStatus[0] = new Array('asc','asc'); var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { var div = dom.n('div'); div.setAttribute('style','position:absolute; background:#DED3B9; '); div.appendChild(dom.text('Sorteren op:')); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][0] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][0]); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Continent')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][1] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][1],'ccords'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Coördinaten')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); /*var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][2] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][2],'alpha'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text( 'Alphabetisch')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); */ var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortE(elist,0,false,'search:'+prompt('Geef de te filteren tekst op','')); }); a.appendChild(dom.text('Filter')); div.appendChild(a); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(div); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(img); // Column 2 sortStatus[2] = 'asc'; var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { sortStatus[2] = sortE(elist,2,sortStatus[2],'research'); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[2].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[2].appendChild(img); } // Produktion else if(url.indexOf('mode=prod') != -1) { // Column 0 sortStatus[0] = new Array('asc','asc'); var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { var div = dom.n('div'); div.setAttribute('style','position:absolute; background:#DED3B9; '); div.appendChild(dom.text('Sorteren op:')); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][0] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][0]); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Continent')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][1] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][1],'ccords'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Coördinaten')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); /* var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[0][2] = sortE(elist,0,sortStatus[0][2],'alpha'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text( 'Alphabetisch')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); */ var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortE(elist,0,false,'search:'+prompt('Geef de te filteren tekst op','')); }); a.appendChild(dom.text('Filter')); div.appendChild(a); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(div); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[0].appendChild(img); // Column 1 sortStatus[1] = 'asc'; var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { sortStatus[1] = sortE(elist,1,sortStatus[1]); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[1].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[1].appendChild(img); // Column 2 sortStatus[2] = new Array('asc','asc','asc','asc'); var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { var div = dom.n('div'); div.setAttribute('style','position:absolute; background:#DED3B9; '); div.appendChild(dom.text('Sorteren op:')); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[2][0] = sortE(elist,2,sortStatus[2][0],'wood'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Hout')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[2][1] = sortE(elist,2,sortStatus[2][1],'clay'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Leem')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[2][2] = sortE(elist,2,sortStatus[2][2],'iron'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Ijzer')); div.appendChild(a); div.appendChild(dom.n('br')); var a = dom.n('a'); a.href = '#'; dom.addEvent(a,'click',function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); sortStatus[2][3] = sortE(elist,2,sortStatus[2][3],'total'); } ); a.appendChild(dom.text('Totaal')); div.appendChild(a); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[2].appendChild(div); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[2].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[2].appendChild(img); // Column 3 sortStatus[3] = 'asc'; var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { sortStatus[3] = sortE(elist,3,sortStatus[3]); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[3].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[3].appendChild(img); // Column 4 Before sortStatus[4] = 'asc'; var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { sortStatus[4] = sortE(elist,4,sortStatus[4]); } ); var x = elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[4].insertBefore(img,elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[4].firstChild); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[4].insertBefore(dom.text(' '),x.nextSibling); // Column 4 After sortStatus[4.5] = 'asc'; var img = new Image(); img.src = bottom_up; img.alt = 'Sorteren'; img.title = 'Sorteren'; dom.addEvent(img,'click',function() { sortStatus[4.5] = sortE(elist,4.5,sortStatus[4.5]); } ); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[4].appendChild(dom.text(' ')); elist[0].getElementsByTagName('th')[4].appendChild(img); } function sortE(elist,tdN,direction,special) { this.special = special?special:false; this.o = direction=='desc'?1:-1; this.n = tdN; this.f = function(a,b) { if(this.n == 0 && this.special == 'ccords') { var a = dom.trim(dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)).split('(').pop().split(')').shift()).split('|'); a[0] = parseInt(a[0]); a[1] = parseInt(a[1]); var b = dom.trim(dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)).split('(').pop().split(')').shift()).split('|'); b[0] = parseInt(b[0]); b[1] = parseInt(b[1]); } else if(this.n == 0 && this.special == 'alpha') { var at = dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)); a = valuePosition(alphabet,at[0]); var bt = dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)); b = valuePosition(alphabet,bt[0]); var i = 1; while(a == b && at[i] && bt[i]) { a = valuePosition(alphabet,at[i]); b = valuePosition(alphabet,bt[i]); i++; } } else if(this.n == 0 && typeof(this.special) == typeof('string') && this.special.substr(0,7) == 'search:') { var a1 = dom.trim(grabText(a,5)); var b1 = dom.trim(grabText(b,5)); } else if(this.n == 0 && !this.special) { var a = parseInt(dom.trim(dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)).split('C').pop())); var b = parseInt(dom.trim(dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[0],4)).split('C').pop())); } else if(this.n == 1) { var a = parseInt(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[1],1)); var b = parseInt(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[1],1)); } else if(this.n == 2 && this.special == 'wood') { var a = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[0]); var b = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[0]); } else if(this.n == 2 && this.special == 'clay') { var a = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[1]); var b = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[1]); } else if(this.n == 2 && this.special == 'iron') { var a = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[2]); var b = parseInt(dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' ')[2]); } else if(this.n == 2 && this.special == 'total') { var a = dom.trim(grabText(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' '); a = parseInt(a[0]) + parseInt(a[1]) + parseInt(a[2]); var b = dom.trim(grabText(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[2],1)).split(' '); b = parseInt(b[0]) + parseInt(b[1]) + parseInt(b[2]); } else if(this.n == 2 && this.special == 'research') { // Count the green Dots in a: var a_green_dots = 0; var i = 2; while(i < 13) { a_green_dots += a.getElementsByTagName('td')[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src.indexOf('green')!=-1?1:0; i++; } // Count the green Dots in b: var b_green_dots = 0; var i = 2; while(i < 13) { b_green_dots += b.getElementsByTagName('td')[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src.indexOf('green')!=-1?1:0; i++; } var a = a_green_dots; var b = b_green_dots; } else if(this.n == 3) { var a = parseInt(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[3].firstChild.data); var b = parseInt(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[3].firstChild.data); } else if(this.n == 4) { var a = parseInt(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[4].firstChild.data.split('/')[0]); var b = parseInt(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[4].firstChild.data.split('/')[0]); } else if(this.n == 4.5) { var a = parseInt(a.getElementsByTagName('td')[4].firstChild.data.split('/')[1]); var b = parseInt(b.getElementsByTagName('td')[4].firstChild.data.split('/')[1]); } if(this.special == 'ccords') { if(a[0] > b[0]) return this.o * -1; else if(a[0] < b[0]) return this.o * 1; else { if(a[1] > b[1]) return this.o * -1; else if(a[1] < b[1]) return this.o * 1; else return 0; } } else if(typeof(this.special) == typeof('string') && this.special.substr(0,7) == 'search:') { var key = this.special.substr(7).toLowerCase(); if(a1.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) != -1) return -1; if(b1.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) != -1) return 1; else return 1; } else { if(a > b) return this.o * -1; else if(a < b) return this.o * 1; else return 0; } }; // Create Array var elements = new Array(); for(var i = 1; i < elist.length; i++) { elements.push(elist[i]); elist[i].parentNode.removeChild(elist[i]); i--; } // Sort the Array elements.sort(this.f); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elist[0].parentNode.appendChild(elements[i]); } return direction=='desc'?'asc':'desc'; } function valuePosition(arr,value) { for(var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { if(arr[i] == value) return i; } } function grabText ( node , maxDepth ) { if ( 3 == node . nodeType ) { return node . nodeValue ; } else if( ( 1 == node . nodeType ) && ( 0 < maxDepth )) { var result = '' ; for(var i = 0 ;i < node . childNodes . length ;i ++) { result += grabText(node . childNodes [ i ] , maxDepth - 1) ; } return result ; } return '' ; } function html() { this.n = function(type) // Returns a new element of the type [type] { return document.createElement(type); } this.text = function(c) // Returns a new textnode with the content [c] { return document.createTextNode(c); } this.img = function(c) // Returns a new textnode with the content [c] { if(c) { var img = new Image(); img.src = c; return img; } return new Image(); } // Search functions this.id = function(type) // Returns the element with the id [type] { return document.getElementById(type); } this.tag = function(type) // Returns the list ob elements with the tag given in [type] { return document.getElementsByTagName(type); } this.name = function(type) // Returns the list ob elements with the tag name given in [type] { return document.getElementsByName(type); } this.class = function(type) // Returns the list ob elements with the class given in [type] { return document.getElementsByClassName(type); } this.findByAttr = function(obj,attr,value) // Returns a list ob elements that have an attribute [attr] with the value [value] { var len = obj.getElementsByTagName('*').length; var list = new Object(); var a = 0; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i][attr] == value) { list[a] = obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i]; a++; } } list['length'] = a; return list; } this.findByInner = function(obj,value) // Returns a list ob elements that contain the value [value] { var len = obj.getElementsByTagName('*').length; var list = new Object(); var a = 0; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i].firstChild) { if(obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i].firstChild.data) { if(obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i].firstChild.data.indexOf(value) != -1) { list[a] = obj.getElementsByTagName('*')[i]; a++; } } } } list['length'] = a; return list; } this.appendChilds = function(obj) { for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) arguments[0].appendChild(arguments[i]); } this.removeChilds = function(obj) { while(obj.firstChild) { obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild); } } this.dumpObj = function(e,html,count) { if(!count) count = 0; var spaces = ' '; for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) spaces += ' '; if(html) n = '
\n'; else n = '\n'; var o = '( '+typeof(e)+' )'+n; for(var p in e) o+= spaces+p+' = '+'( '+typeof(e[p])+' ) '+(typeof(e[p]) == 'object'?(this.dumpObj(e[p],html,(count+2))):e[p])+n; return o; } this.trim = function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } // Gets the element (target) of a DOM Mouse Event Object // Returns false if there's no element this.mouseEventTarget = function(e) { if(e.target) // Mozilla, Opera, Safari return e.target; else if (e.srcElement) // IE return e.srcElement; else // No Target return false; } // Flexible Javascript Events by John Resig (ejohn.org) // http://ejohn.org/projects/flexible-javascript-events/ this.addEvent = function( obj, type, fn ) { if(obj.attachEvent) { obj['e'+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function(){obj['e'+type+fn](window.event);} obj.attachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); } else obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); } this.removeEvent = function( obj, type, fn ) { if(obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); obj[type+fn] = null; } else obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false ); } return true; }